











 「いいや、なにもしてない筈がない。身に覚えがあるだろう。出ていけ! このあたりで見かけたら、鍵をかけるからな」


‘Yus sir,’ Dicky replied, since Grinder seemed to expect an answer. The supreme moment when he should take his first wages had been the week’s beacon to him, reddening and brightening as Saturday night grew nearer.

‘Three an’ six a week an’ yer tea.’

Dicky wondered.

‘So as if I found out anythink about—say Brass Roastin’-jacks for instance—I could give ye yer three an’ six an’ start y’ auf, unless I did somethin’ wuss.’

Dicky was all incomprehension; but something made him feel a little sick.

‘But s’posin’ I didn’t find out anythink about—say Seven-pun’ Jars o’ Pickles—an’ s’pose I wasn’t disposed to suspect anythink in regard to—say Doormats; then I could either give ye a week s notice or pay y’ a week’s money an’ clear y’ out on the spot, without no more trouble.’

Mr Grinder paused, and still looked at Dicky with calm dislike. Then he added, as though in answer to himself, ‘Yus.’ …

He dropped the money slowly from his right hand to his left. Dicky’s mouth was dry, and the drawers and pickle-jars swam before him at each side of Grinder’s head. What did it mean?

”Ere y’ are,’ cried Mr Grinder, with sudden energy, thrusting his hand across the counter. ‘Two three-and-sixes is seven shillin’s, an’ you can git yer tea at ‘ome with yer dirty little sister. Git out o’ my shop!’

Dicky’s hand closed mechanically on the money, and after a second’s pause, he found broken speech. ‘W—w—wot for, sir?’ he asked, huskily. ‘I ain’t done nothink!’

‘No, an’ you sha’n’t do nothink, that’s more. Out ye go! If I see ye near the place agin I’ll ‘ave ye locked up!’

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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