アーサー・モリスン「ロンドン・タウンへ」7章 74回







To begin with, the shadow of the awful building fell on him as he neared it, extinguishing his confidence and stopping his tongue. In the quadrangle the very tall hat distinguished an Uncle Isaac of hushed speech and meek docility, and along the corridors it followed Nan May deferentially, in unresting pursuit of room No. 37. The room was reached at last, and here Uncle Isaac found himself constrained to open the bnsiness. For Nan May herself held back now, and the young man in gold-rimmed glasses fixed him with his eye. So, taking off his hat with both hands, Uncle Isaac, in a humble murmur, began:—”We’ve—good mornin’, sir—we’ve come as it might be in form o’ porpus—”


“As regards to a will,” Uncle Isaac explained desperately, dropping his technicality like a hot rivet. “As regards to a will an’ dyin’ testament which the late deceased did—did write out.”

“Very well. Are you the executor?”

“Well, sir, not as it might be executor. No. But as uncle to Mr. May’s daughter-in-law by marriage—”

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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