
The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.
The Parties ( 主語 、国民) undertake( 動詞 ,同意する), 
as (のように)set forth (述べられた)in the Charter of the United Nations(国際連合憲章), 
to settle (解決する) any international disputes (国際紛争)
in which (関係代名詞で先行詞は国際紛争)they may be involved (関わり合いになる)by peaceful means (平和的手段)
in such a manner (やり方で)that international peace (国際平和)and security (安全)and justice (正義)are not endangered (危険にさらす)and to refrain (慎む)in their international relations (国際関係)from the threat (威嚇)or use of force (武力の行使)against (に抗って)the territorial integrity (領土が完全な状態であること)or political independence (政治的独立)of any state(いかなる国), 
or in any other manner inconsistent (一致しない)with the purposes (目的)of the United Nations.
☆The Parties の意味に悩んだけれど、COBUILDにあるA party of the people is a group of people who are doing something togetherness. か?条約を結んだ国民は、…に同意しました。の意味だと思う。

The Parties will endeavor in concert with other peace-loving countries to strengthen the United Nations so that its mission of maintaining international peace and security may be discharged more effectively.

The Parties (主語、条約を結んだ国民)will endeavor (動詞、務める)in concert with (と協力して)other peace-loving countries to strengthen (強化する)the United Nations so that (〜するように)its mission (任務)of maintaining (維持する)international peace and security (its missionからsecurityが主語) may be discharged (遂行する)more effectively(効果的に).

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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