サキの長編小説 「耐えがたきバシントン」 17章192回


She already knew as much as that awaited message would tell her.  She knew that she would never see Comus again, and she knew now that she loved him beyond all things that the world could hold for her.  It was no sudden rush of pity or compunction that clouded her judgment or gilded her recollection of him; she saw him as he was, the beautiful, wayward, laughing boy, with his naughtiness, his exasperating selfishness, his insurmountable folly and perverseness, his cruelty that spared not even himself, and as he was, as he always had been, she knew that he was the one thing that the Fates had willed that she should love.  She did not stop to accuse or excuse herself for having sent him forth to what was to prove his death.  It was, doubtless, right and reasonable that he should have gone out there, as hundreds of other men went out, in pursuit of careers; the terrible thing was that he would never come back.  The old cruel hopelessness that had always chequered her pride and pleasure in his good looks and high spirits and fitfully charming ways had dealt her a last crushing blow; he was dying somewhere thousands of miles away without hope of recovery, without a word of love to comfort him, and without hope or shred of consolation she was waiting to hear of the end.  The end; that last dreadful piece of news which would write “nevermore” across his life and hers.

さりはま の紹介

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