階段をなかばで、顔色の悪い、猫背の少年がのぼってくるのに出くわした。家にひとり残されていたその少年が、入り口のところに立っていた。彼はディッキーのあわてぶりをみた。そして彼の上着の下が、疑わしいことに盛りあがっている様子をみた。そこで即座にディッキーの腕をつかんだ。「どこにいってたんだ?」鋭くたずねた。「うちの部屋に入っていただろう? 部屋から何をもってきた?」
Dicky had never before seen quite such a room as this. Everything was so clean: the floor, the windows, the bed-clothes. Also there was a strip of old carpet on the floor. There were two perfectly sound chairs; and two pink glass vases on the mantel-piece; and a clock. Nobody was in the room, and Dicky took a step farther. The clock attracted him again. It was a small, cheap, nickel-plated, cylindrical thing, of American make, and it reminded him at once of the Bishop’s watch. It was not gold, certainly, but it was a good deal bigger, and it could go—it was going. Dicky stepped back and glanced at the landing. Then he darted into the room, whipped the clock under the breast of the big jacket, and went for the stairs.
Half way down he met the pale hunchback ascending. Left at home alone, he had been standing in the front doorway. He saw Dicky’s haste, saw also the suspicious bulge under his jacket, and straightway seized Dicky’s arm. ‘Where ‘a’ you bin?’ he asked sharply. ‘Bin in our room? What you got there?’
‘Nothin’ o’ yours, ‘ump. Git out o’ that!’ Dicky pushed him aside. ‘If you don’t le’ go I’ll corpse ye!’
But one arm and hand was occupied with the bulge, and the other was for the moment unequal to the work of driving off the assailant. The two children wrangled and struggled downstairs, through the doorway and into the street: the hunchback weak, but infuriate, buffeting, biting and whimpering; Dicky infuriate too, but alert for a chance to break away and run. So they scrambled together across the street, Dicky dragging away from the house at every step; and just at the corner of Luck Row, getting his fore-arm across the other’s face, he back-heeled him, and the little hunchback fell heavily, and lay breathless and sobbing, while Dicky scampered through Luck Row and round the corner into Meakin Street.
Mr Weech was busier now, for there were customers. But Dicky and his bulge he saw ere they were well over the threshold.
‘Ah yus, Dicky,’ he said, coming to meet him. ‘I was expectin’ you. Come in—
In the swe-e-et by an’ by,We shall meet on that beautiful shaw-er!
Come in ‘ere.’ And still humming his hymn, he led Dicky into the shop parlour.
Here Dicky produced the clock, which Mr Weech surveyed with no great approval. ‘You’ll ‘ave to try an’ do better than this, you know,’ he said. ‘But any’ow ‘ere it is, sich as it is. It about clears auf wot you owe, I reckon. Want some dinner?’
This was a fact, and Dicky admitted it.
In the swe-e-e-t by an’ by,—
come out an’ set down. I’ll bring you somethink ‘ot.’
This proved to be a very salt bloater, a cup of the usual muddy coffee, tasting of burnt toast, and a bit of bread: afterwards supplemented by a slice of cake. This to Dicky was a banquet. Moreover, there was the adult dignity of taking your dinner in a coffee-shop, which Dicky supported indomitably now that he began to feel at ease in Mr Weech’s: leaning back in his seat, swinging his feet, and looking about at the walls with the grocers’ almanacks hanging thereto, and the Sunday School Anniversary bills of past date, gathered from afar to signalise the elevated morals of the establishment.
‘Done?’ queried Mr Weech in his ear. ‘Awright, don’t ‘ang about ‘ere then. Bloater’s a penny, bread a ‘a’peny, cawfy a penny, cake a penny. You’ll owe thrippence a’peny now.’