

 ディッキーのほうは、興奮のあまり、ほとんど寝ていなかった。数日間、この闘いのことを考えては、仲間と楽しんでいた。だが今や、身震いをしては体をぶるぶる震わせている有様で、この動揺から解き放ってくれるものは何もなく、荒々しい動きが始まるのを待つだけであった。ディッキーは階下に数百回となく駆け下りては、偉いモブの旦那たちが来ているのかどうか確かめ、まだ来ていないと報告しに戻った。とうとう偉そうな、格子柄の旦那たちが目にはいると、大急ぎで、前のめりになりながら階段をかけあがると、「やつらがきたよ、父さん! やつらがきた! やつらが通りをやってくるよ、父さん!」とさけび、部屋と踊り場を意気揚々と飛びまわった。




Josh Perrott had been strictly sober for a full week. And the family had lived better, for he had brought meat home each day. Now he sat indifferently at the window of his room, and looked out at the crowd in Jago Court till such time as he might be wanted. He had not been out of the room that morning: he was saving his energy for Billy Leary.

As for Dicky, he had scarce slept for excitement. For days he had enjoyed consideration among his fellows on account of this fight. Now he shook and quivered, and nothing relieved his agitation but violent exertion. So he rushed downstairs a hundred times to see if the High Mob were coming, and back to report that they were not. At last he saw their overbearing checks, and tore upstairs, face before knees, with ”Ere they are, father! ‘Ere they are! They’re comin’ down the street, father!’ and danced frenzied about the room and the landing.

Presently Jerry Gullen and Kiddo Cook came, as seconds, to take Josh out, and then Dicky quieted a little externally, though he was bursting at the chest and throat, and his chin jolted his teeth together uncontrollably. Josh dragged off his spotted coat and waistcoat and flung them on the bed, and then was helped out of his ill-mended blue shirt. He gave a hitch to his trousers-band, tightened his belt, and was ready.

‘Ta-ta, ol’ gal,’ he said to his wife, with a grin; ‘back agin soon.’

‘With a bob or two for ye,’ added Kiddo Cook, grinning likewise.

さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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