








 「そういえば、ときどき何かいいものが、服のふくらみに入っていることがあるじゃないか、ジョシュ? わたしの目に見えるのは、時計のような気がするんだが? ちょっとした仕事を、他にもしているんじゃないかね?」

In Luck Row he came on Josh Perrott, making for home with something under the skirt of his coat ‘How d’ye do, Josh?’ said Father Sturt, clapping a hand on Josh’s shoulder, and offering it as Josh turned about.

Josh, with a shifting of the object under his coat, hastened to tap his cap-peak with his forefinger before shaking hands. He grinned broadly, and looked this way and that, with mingled gratification and embarrassment, as was the Jago way in such circumstances. Because one could never tell whether Father Sturt would exchange a mere friendly sentence or two, or, with concealed knowledge, put some disastrous question about a watch, or a purse, or a breast-pin, or what not.

‘Very well, thanks, Father,’ answered Josh, and grinned amiably at the wall beyond the vicar’s elbow.

‘And what have you been doing just lately?’

‘Oo—odd jobs, Father.’ Always the same answer, all over the Jago.

‘Not quite such odd jobs as usual, I hope, Josh, eh?’ Father Sturt smiled, and twitched Josh playfully by the button-hole as one might treat a child. ‘I once heard of a very odd job in the Kingsland Road that got a fine young man six months’ holiday. Eh, Josh?’

Josh Perrott wriggled and grinned sheepishly; tried to frown, failed, and grinned again. He had only been out a few weeks from that six moon. Presently he said:—’Awright, Father; you do rub it into a bloke, no mistake.’

The grin persisted as he looked first at the wall, then at the pavement, then down the street, but never in the parson’s face.

‘Ah, there’s a deal of good in a blister sometimes, isn’t there, Josh? What’s that I see—a clock? Not another odd job, eh?’

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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