





Business slackened for a little while, and the loafers were contemplating a raid in force on Mother Gapp’s till, when a grown lad ran in pell-mell from Luck Row with a square parcel clipped under his arm—a parcel of aspect well known among the fat’s a-running boys—a parcel that meant tobacco. He was collared at once.

‘Stow it, Bill!’ he cried breathlessly, recognising his captor. ‘The bloke’s a-comin’!’

But half-a-dozen hands were on his plunder, it was snatched away, and he was flung back on the flags. There was a clatter on the stones of Luck Row, and a light van came rattling into Old Jago Street, the horse galloping, the carman lashing and shouting:—’Stop ‘im! Stop thief!’

The sight was so novel that for a moment the gang merely stared and grinned. This man must be a greenhorn—new to the neighbourhood—to venture a load of goods up Luck Row. And it was tobacco, too. He was pale and flustered, and he called wildly, as he looked this way and that:—’A man’s stole somethin’ auf my van. Where’s ‘e gawn?’

‘No good, guv’nor,’ cried one. ‘The ball’s stopped rollin’. You’re lawst ‘im.’

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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