マントルピースのうえにおかれた小さな置き時計が、静寂をやぶって、カチカチとせわしく時をきざんだ。そしてディッキーはすぐに、猫背の少年のことを考えた。まちがいなく、あいつの仕業にちがいない。ほかに誰がやる? じっと見て、せせら笑いながら、店のまわりをうろついていたではないか、それも昨日か一昨日のことではないか? 機会があるたびに、学校の中だろうと外だろうと、悪意をいだいて追いかけ回していたのは、彼ではないか? それにボビー・ルーパーは、うその話をするこつを知っていたではないか? でもボビー・ルーパーとは関わりのない四年間のどこに、無礼な仕打ちをうける原因があったのだろうか? ディッキーは横になりながら、怒りにふるえ、そして相手がうけるべき復讐をくだそうと決意した。ダヴ・レーンとの戦いはしばらく前に終わっていたが、そのせいで彼にすれば、自分の敵をつかまえるのは容易なことだった。
Lying awake that night, but with closed eyes, Dicky heard his mother, talking with his father, suggest that perhaps an enemy had earwigged Grinder, and told him a tale that had brought about Dicky’s dismissal: somebody, perhaps, who wanted the situation for somebody else. Josh Perrott did no more than grunt at the guess, but it gave a new light to Dicky. Clearly that would account for Grinder’s change. But who could the mischief-maker be?
The little clock on the mantel-piece ticked away busily in the silence, and Dicky instantly thought of the hunchback. He it must have been, without a doubt. Who else? Was he not hanging about the shop, staring and sneering, but a day or two back? And was it not he who had pursued him with malice on every occasion, in school and out? Had not Bobby Roper this very trick of lying tales? Where was the gratuitous injury in all these four years that had not been Bobby Roper’s work? Dicky trembled with rage as he lay, and he resolved on condign revenge. The war with Dove Lane was over for the time being, but that made it easier for him to catch his enemy.