アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」28章 181回



 スタート神父が医者と会ったのは、その日の夕方遅く来たときで、万事に異常はないかと尋ねた。医者は、肩をすくめた。「ひとはそうだと言うかもしれません」彼はいった。「あの男の子は生きているし、母親も生きてますよ。でも神父さまと僕なら、真実を言っても許されるでしょう。神父さまのほうが、僕よりはるかにジェイゴウのことをご存知です。あの地区には、死なない方がいいと言える子どもがいますか? 生まれてこないほうがよかったと言える子どもがいるのではありませんか? そうした信者に会うことなく終わる一日が、神父さまにはありますか? ここジェイゴウにはネズミの巣があるんです。それが次から次へと子孫をつくっていくのですが、その繁殖ぶりはネズミならのものですよ。そうした状態を、異常がないと言っているんです。道徳心の高い地区なら、千匹まで増えても、ネズミの権利を支持しますが。ときどき、ネズミを捕まえて飼うんですよ。しばらくのあいだ飼って、注意深く栄養のある食べ物をあたえ、それから巣に戻して仲間を増殖させるのです」

 スタート神父は、無言でしばらく歩いた。ややして彼はいった。「君のいうとおりだ、むろん。だが、君が屋根の上から叫んでも、誰が聞くだろうか? 無駄にできる時間と気力があれば、私もそう言うかもしれない。だが、私には時間も、気力もないのだ。私は働かなければならないし、君だってそうだ。たしかに君が言うように、重荷は日々重くなってきている。おそらく、絶望的な状況だ。だが、それについて、とやかく言うことが私の勤めではない。私には、やるべきことがある」





Hannah Perrott had anticipated the operation of the Maternity Society letter, and another child of the Jago had come unconsenting into its black inheritance.

Father Sturt met the surgeon as he came away in the later evening, and asked if all were well. The surgeon shrugged his shoulders. ‘People would call it so,’ he said. ‘The boy’s alive, and so is the mother. But you and I may say the truth. You know the Jago far better than I. Is there a child in all this place that wouldn’t be better dead—still better unborn? But does a day pass without bringing you just such a parishioner? Here lies the Jago, a nest of rats, breeding, breeding, as only rats can; and we say it is well. On high moral grounds we uphold the right of rats to multiply their thousands. Sometimes we catch a rat. And we keep it a little while, nourish it carefully, and put it back into the nest to propagate its kind.’

Father Sturt walked a little way in silence. Then he said:—’You are right, of course. But who’ll listen, if you shout it from the housetops? I might try to proclaim it myself, if I had time and energy to waste. But I have none—I must work, and so must you. The burden grows day by day, as you say. The thing’s hopeless, perhaps, but that is not for me to discuss. I have my duty.’

The surgeon was a young man, but Shoreditch had helped him over most of his enthusiasms. ‘That’s right,’ he said, ‘quite right. People are so very genteel, aren’t they?’ He laughed, as at a droll remembrance. ‘But, hang it all, men like ourselves needn’t talk as though the world was built of hardbake. It’s a mighty relief to speak truth with a man who knows—a man not rotted through with sentiment. Think how few men we trust with the power to give a fellow creature a year in gaol, and how carefully we pick them! Even damnation is out of fashion, I believe, among theologians. But any noxious wretch may damn human souls to the Jago, one after another, year in year out, and we respect his right: his sacred right.’

At the ‘Posties’ the two men separated. The rain, which had abated for a space, came up on a driving wind, and whipped Dicky Perrott home to meet his new brother.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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