ジョシュ・ペローが、階段から飛びかかっていったからだ。彼は、身を前にかがめながら、顔を前につきだすと、わざと踊り場を突っ切っていった。ウィーチはさっと頭をひっこめ、砕けたかのように、顎を胸にしずめた。白目と白目のあいだが点になっていた。彼がそろそろと頭を後方へむけると、蝋燭がかたむいてしまい、樹脂が床にたれた。扉が大きく開いたので、彼は肩をぶつけてしまい、金切り声をあげた。その有様は、イタチをみたウサギのようだった。それからスパナを手にして、彼はくるりと向きをかえたが、そのとき蝋燭を落としてしまった。だが窓にかけよって金切り声をあげながら、窓をあけ、裏通りにむかって悲鳴をあげた。「たすけてくれ!助けてくれ!警察をよんでくれ!人殺しだ! 人殺しだ!人殺しだ!」
A soft treading of bare feet, the squeak of a door-handle, a light on the landing, and Aaron Weech stood at his open door in his shirt, candle in hand, his hair rumpled, his head aside, his mouth a little open, his unconscious gaze upward; listening intently. He took a slight step forward. And then Bill Rann’s heart turned over and over.
For Josh Perrott sprang from the stair, and, his shoulders humped and his face thrust out, walked deliberately across the landing. Weech turned his head quickly; his chin fell on his chest as by jaw-break; there were but dots amid the white of his eyes; his head lay slowly back, as the candle tilted and shot its grease on the floor. The door swung wider as his shoulder struck it, and he screamed, like a rabbit that sees a stoat. Then, with a wrench, he turned, letting drop the candle, and ran shrieking to the window, flung it open, and yelled into the black street. ”Elp! ‘Elp! P’lice! Murder! Murder! Murder! Murder!‘
‘Run, Josh—run, ye blasted fool!’ roared Bill Rann, bounding across the landing, and snatching at his arm.
‘Go on—go on! I’m comin’!’ Josh answered without turning his head. And Bill took the bottom flight at a jump. The candle flared as it lay on the floor, and spread a greasy pool about it.