アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」 33章 151回







「賛美歌をうたわないのか?時間はあまりないぞ。うちの坊主もすぐに来るぞ、賃金を稼ぎに来るぞ。誰かさんが坊主を酔っぱらわせた。その頃、状況のよくわかる親父は刑務所のなかだったからな。うたえ、弱虫野郎。歌え! 歌え!」


Murder! Murder! Mu-r-r

Josh had the man by the shoulder, swung him back from the window, gripped his throat, and dragged him across the carpet as he might drag a cat, while Weech’s arms waved uselessly, and his feet feebly sought a hold on the floor.

‘Now!’ cried Josh Perrott, glaring on the writhen face below his own, and raising his case-knife in the manner of a cleaver, ‘sing a hymn! Sing the hymn as’ll do ye most good! You’ll cheat me when ye can, an’ when ye can’t you’ll put me five year in stir, eh? Sing a hymn, ye snivellin’ nark!’

From the street there came the noise of many hurrying feet and of a scattered shouting. Josh Perrott made an offer at slashing the slaty face, checked his arm, and went on.

‘You’ll put down somethin’ ‘an’some at my break, will ye? An’ you’ll starve my wife an’ kids all to bones an’ teeth four year! Sing a hymn, ye cur!’

He made another feint at slashing. Men were beating thunderously at the shop door, and there were shrill whistles.

‘Won’t sing yer hymn? There ain’t much time! My boy was goin’ straight, an’ earnin’ wages: someone got ‘im chucked. A man ‘as time to think things out, in stir! Sing, ye son of a cow! Sing! Sing!’

さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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