



“Yes,” proceeded Uncle Isaac, “an’ ‘im with as much to think about as a man of edication too—wonderful. Why there’s nothink as ‘e don’t know in astronomy an’—an’—an’ insectonomy. Nothink!”

“No, not astronomy,” interjected old May, a little startled by both counts of the imputation. “Not astronomy, Mr. Mundy.”

“I say yes,” answered Uncle Isaac, with an emphatic slap on the knee. “Modesty under a bushel’s all very well, Mr. May, all very well, but I know—I know! Astronomy, an’ medicamedica an’ all the other classics. I know! Ah, I’d give best part o’ my small property, sich as it is, for ‘alf your edication, Mr. May!”

さりはま の紹介

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