

 森への遠足の日もようやく決まり、その前夜、ベッシーはマッチを擦る音で、目をさました。母親は蝋燭を灯し、寝台に背をむけていた。彼女は蝋燭を手にすると、隣りあわせたジョニーの部屋へむかった。ベッシーは聞き耳をたてたが、話声は聞こえず、何の物音もしなかった。ただジョニーの寝息が聞こえてくるだけであった。もう夜もおそかった。すぐに母親はもどると、蝋燭を手にしたまま、彼女を見おろした。母が自分の顔を凝視している気配が感じられたが、それは目をつむった状態でもひりひりと感じられるもので、まるで針仕事のあいまに手を休め、自分を見つめているときのようであったが、今、母の頬は涙でぬれていた。その様子にベッシーは眼をひらいて、「かあさん!」といった。「どうしたの? 具合でも悪いの?」







But she brightened, always, when Mr. Butson came in the evening; though Mr. Butson’s conversation scarce seemed of so inspiriting a character as to account wholly for the change. Still, it interested her. It was mostly about his grievances at the hands of the world; and Nan May was a ready sympathiser.

It was very near to the day (at last fixed) for the excursion, when Bessy woke in the night at the striking of a match. Her mother was lighting a candle, her back toward the bed. She took the candle and passed out, into Johnny’s room at the back. Bessy listened, but she heard no talk; heard nothing, indeed, but Johnny’s heavy breathing, so still was the night. Presently her mother returned, and stood over her, still with the candle; gazing on her face, it seemed to Bessy—as well as she could see through her half-closed eyes—much as she had gazed when she paused in her needlework, though now her cheeks were wet with tears. With that Bessy opened wide her eyes, and “Mother!” she said. “What’s the matter? Are you ill?”

Nan May turned and blew out the light. “No, Bess, no; I’m all right,” she said, and crept into bed. “It’s not—not much. I woke up, that’s all—with a bad dream.” She kissed the girl, and put her arm about her neck. “You’ve always been a good girl, Bessy,” she went on. “You wouldn’t turn against me, would you?”

“Why no, mother! But—”

“Not whatever happened?”

“No—of course not,” she kissed her mother again. “But why?”

“It’s nothing. Only the dream just the dream, Bess. Go to sleep.”

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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