



「閣下」アイザックおじさんは話しかけると、賞賛の眼差しで、不安げなヒックスを見つめた。「閣下! もう少し野心というものがあれば、さらにご活躍されると思いますよ。なんて輝きが外交問題の亡者たちに射すことか。企業経営について話してください。どうして企業とか、ええっと、そうした組織がいいのかと。そう、ええっと、女王陛下の所有物にたいする大使のようなものだと、私は日ごろから言っているのですが」





And Uncle Isaac (who found his niece’s new shop ere long) assured the listener by frequent proclamation, that Mr. Hicks was a gentleman of vast business ability, and a genius at enterprise.

“Yus, a genius, that’s what I say, Mr. Cottam—a genius of uncommon talent.” It was a wet afternoon, when Cottam and Hicks had taken ten minutes’ shelter in the round-house by the quay-side: and presently were joined by Uncle Isaac, on his way across from the docks.

Mr. Cottam grunted. He had met Uncle Isaac twice before.

“Lord!” Uncle Isaac went on, gazing at the uneasy Hicks with steadfast admiration, “Lord! If ‘e was on’y ambitious’ ‘e might be anythink! What a ornament ‘e ‘d be to a Diplomatic Corpse! Talk about Enterprise! Why at Enterprise an’ any sort o’ circumventions ‘e ‘s—’e ‘s—why there, as I alwis say, ‘e might be Ambashador to ‘er Majesty’s possessions!”

The shower flagged, and men carne out on the quays. Mr. Cottam rose from the coil he had been sitting on, took his gaze out of space, and fixed it on the wall over Uncle Isaac’s head. “Mr. Mundy!” he trumpeted, in the manner of a man beginning a speech to an expectant multitude; raising his forefinger to his shoulder and lowering it till it rested on Uncle Isaac’s chest; “Mr. Mundy!”

Then he paused, and Uncle Isaac said, “Yus, Mr. Cottam.”

The pause endured and grew impressive; till at last the foreman’s face relaxed, his gaze descended till it met Uncle Isaac’s, and he chuckled aloud, stabbing him playfully with the forefinger. “Why—what a windy of kidder you are!” said Mr. Cottam; and stamped off along the quay, croaking and chuckling all over.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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