「考える者にすれば」イームズは続けた。「人生の喜びとは些細なものであり、すぐに無味乾燥なものになる。それはまた拷問部屋への賄賂でもある。皆が知っていることであるが、考える者にすれば、死滅とは単に…何をしているんだ? 気でも狂ったのか?…それを下におろすんだ」
“`Why doesn’t he strike us dead?’ asked the undergraduate abstractedly, plunging his hands into his pockets.
“`He is dead himself,’ said the philosopher; `that is where he is really enviable.’
“`To any one who thinks,’ proceeded Eames, `the pleasures of life, trivial and soon tasteless, are bribes to bring us into a torture chamber. We all see that for any thinking man mere extinction is the… What are you doing?… Are you mad?… Put that thing down.’