「なぜだって! 蒸気船を沈められるくらいの証拠を手にしたからだ」モーゼスはわめいた。「書類を手にいれたからだよ。君たちの素晴らしいイノセントは口は悪いし、物を破壊するからだよ。さあ、これが彼が破壊した家庭だ。僕も自分が聖人だと言うつもりはない。でも名誉にかけて言うが、可哀想な女たちを不利な立場に追いやったりしない。女達を見捨てたり、たぶん殺すこともできるような男なのだから、小屋を壊したり、教師を銃で撃つこともできるだろう。でも、いずれにせよ他の話まで気にしたりはしない。」
“Why! Because we’ve got proof enough to sink a steamboat,” roared Moses; “because I’ve got the papers in my very ‘and; because your precious Innocent is a blackguard and ‘ome smasher, and these are the ‘omes he’s smashed. I don’t set up for a ‘oly man; but I wouldn’t ‘ave all those poor girls on my conscience for something. And I think a chap that’s capable of deserting and perhaps killing ‘em all is about capable of cracking a crib or shootin’ an old schoolmaster—so I don’t care much about the other yarns one way or another.”
“I think,” said Dr. Cyrus Pym with a refined cough, “that we are approaching this matter rather irregularly. This is really the fourth charge on the charge sheet, and perhaps I had better put it before you in an ordered and scientific manner.”
Nothing but a faint groan from Michael broke the silence of the darkening room.
さりはま の紹介
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