サキの長編小説 「耐えがたきバシントン」 13章 149回








“What I think is so splendid about his music—” commenced another starling-voice on the further side of the girl.  Like sheep that feed greedily before the coming of a storm the starling-voices seemed impelled to extra effort by the knowledge of four imminent intervals of acting during which they would be hushed into constrained silence.

In the back row of the dress circle a late-comer, after a cursory glance at the programme, had settled down into a comfortable narrative, which was evidently the resumed thread of an unfinished taxi-drive monologue.

“We all said ‘it can’t be Captain Parminter, because he’s always been sweet on Joan,’ and then Emily said—”

The curtain went up, and Emily’s contribution to the discussion had to be held over till the entr’acte.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: サキ パーマリンク


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