



女は身をおこして座り、幾ばくかの気力をしめした。「なんだって?」彼女はびしっと問いただした。「卑しいランスやラーリィのように、通りで寝るっていうのかい? そんなことあるわけがない。あんなふうに暮らすなんてひどいもんだよ、まったく。わたしはそんなことには慣れていないからねえ。おまえだって、父さんが外で寝ているのを見たことなんかないだろ?」





「知っているんだ。母さんが父さんに言っていたのを聞いたよ。父さんがすごいダイヤモンドを家にもって帰ってきたときのことだ。あのネクタイピンだよ。どこで、あれを手に入れたの? 何ヶ月も、何ヶ月も仕事をしてなかったじゃないか。毛布はどうやって手に入れたの? 家賃はどうしているの? それに食べ物は? ルーイのミルクは? わからないとでも思っているの? もう子どもじゃない。わかっているよ」




He sat on a small box, and rocked the baby on his knees, feeding it with morsels of chewed bread. The mother, dolefully inert, looked on and said: ‘She’s that backward I’m quite wore out; more ‘n ten months old, an’ don’t even crawl yut. It’s a never-endin’ trouble, is children.’

She sighed, and presently stretched herself on the bed. The boy rose, and carrying his little sister with care, for she was dozing, essayed to look through the grimy window. The dull flush still spread overhead, but Jago Court lay darkling below, with scarce a sign of the ruinous back yards that edged it on this and the opposite sides, and nothing but blackness between.

The boy returned to his box, and sat. Then he said: ‘I don’t s’pose father’s ‘avin’ a sleep outside, eh?’

The woman sat up with some show of energy. ‘Wot?’ she said sharply. ‘Sleep out in the street like them low Ranns an’ Learys? I should ‘ope not. It’s bad enough livin’ ‘ere at all, an’ me being used to different things once, an’ all. You ain’t seen ‘im outside, ‘ave ye?’

‘No, I ain’t seen ‘im: I jist looked in the court.’ Then, after a pause: ‘I ‘ope ‘e’s done a click,’ the boy said.

His mother winced. ‘I dunno wot you mean, Dicky,’ she said, but falteringly. ‘You—you’re gittin’ that low an’ an’—’

‘Wy, copped somethink, o’ course. Nicked somethink. You know.’

‘If you say sich things as that I’ll tell ‘im wot you say, an’ ‘e’ll pay you. We ain’t that sort o’ people, Dicky, you ought to know. I was alwis kep’ respectable an’ straight all my life, I’m sure, an’—’

‘I know. You said so before, to father—I ‘eard: w’en ‘e brought ‘ome that there yuller prop—the necktie pin. Wy, where did ‘e git that? ‘E ain’t ‘ad a job for munse and munse: where’s the yannups come from wot’s bin for to pay the rent, an’ git the toke, an’ milk for Looey? Think I dunno? I ain’t a kid. I know.’

‘Dicky, Dicky! you mustn’t say sich things!’ was all the mother could find to say, with tears in her slack eyes. ‘It’s wicked an’—an’ low. An’ you must alwis be respectable an’ straight, Dicky, an’ you’ll—you’ll git on then.’

‘Straight people’s fools, I reckon. Kiddo Cook says that, an’ ‘e’s as wide as Broad Street. W’en I grow up I’m goin’ to git toffs’ clo’es an’ be in the ‘igh mob. They does big clicks.’

‘They git put in a dark prison for years an’ years, Dicky—an’—an’ if you’re sich a wicked low boy, father ‘ll give you the strap—’ard,’ the mother returned, with what earnestness she might. ‘Gimme the baby, an’ you go to bed, go on; ‘fore father comes.’

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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