

 鞭はひどい痕をのこした。とてもひどいものだった。からみあう革の鞭にぶたれた向こう脛は肌がさけ、背中までめくれあがったシャツの下には粘り着く血が少し残っていた。痣ができていたのは言うまでもない。だが彼を魂の奥底まで揺り動かしていたのは、どうしようもなく不当な仕打ちであった。誰からも助けてもらうことなしに、完璧なまでにジェイゴウの誰もが誇りにするような偉業をなしとげたのだ。歓喜にふるえながら、父親や母親から賞賛してもらおうと急いで戻り、父母の手にその手柄の品をわたしたのだ。それも実に快く、しかも気前よくわたしたのだ。だが、たぶんそのときは祝福のしるしに、温かい晩ご飯がもらえると期待していた。それなのに彼の報酬はこれだった。どうしてだろう? 虐待のせいで自分の心が傷ついたのを感じるだけだった。そういうわけで、すすり泣きながら二か所の柵を腹ばいになってとおりぬけ、ジェリー・ガリーンのカナリヤの毛むくじゃらの首に涙をこぼそうとした。


Dicky sobbed his way down the stairs and through the passage to the back. In the yard he looked for Tommy Rann, to sympathise. But Tommy was not, and Dicky paused in his grief to reflect that perhaps, indeed, in the light of calm reason, he would rather cast the story of the watch in a more heroic mould, for Tommy’s benefit, than was compatible with tears and a belted back. So he turned and squeezed through a hole in the broken fence, sobbing again, in search of the friend that shared his inmost sorrows.

The belting was bad—very bad. There was broken skin on his shins where the strap had curled round, and there was a little sticky blood under the shirt half way up his back: to say nothing of bruises. But it was the hopeless injustice of things that shook him to the soul. Wholly unaided, he had done, with neatness and credit, a click that anybody in the Jago would have been proud of. Overjoyed, he had hastened to receive the commendations of his father and mother, and to place the prize in their hands, freely and generously, though perhaps with some hope of hot supper by way of celebration. And his reward was this. Why? He could understand nothing: could but feel the wrong that broke his heart. And so, sobbing, he crawled through two fences to weep on the shaggy neck of Jerry Gullen’s canary.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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