

 ピジョニー・ポールが?彼女がどうして部屋にいるのだろう? 人々から敬われているハンナ・ペローの怨霊が、怒りにかられながら立ち上がった。行かなくてはいけないと考えたのだ。彼女は立ち上がって、なにが起きたのかと戸惑いながら、スカートのまわりにまとわりつくディッキーと一緒に、家に戻っていった。





‘Mother,’ said Dicky, plucking at her arm, ‘Pigeony Poll’s at ‘ome, nussin’ Looey; she told me to tell you to come at once.’

Pigeony Poll? What right had she in the room? The ghost of Hannah Perrott’s respectability rose in resentment. She supposed she must go. She arose, mystified, and went, with Dicky at her skirts.

Pigeony Poll sat by the window with the baby in her arms, and pale misgiving in her dull face. ‘I—I come in, Mrs Perrott, mum,’ she said, with a hush in her thick voice, ‘I come in ‘cos I see you goin’ out, an’ I thought the baby’d be alone. She—she’s ‘ad a sort o’ fit—all stiff an’ blue in the face and grindin’ ‘er little mouth. She’s left auf now—but I—I dunno what to make of ‘er. She’s so—so—’

Hannah Perrott stared blankly, and lifted the child, whose arm dropped and hung. The wizen age had gone from Looey’s face, and the lids were down on the strained eyes; her pale lips lay eased of the old pinching—even parted in a smile. For she looked in the face of the Angel that plays with the dead children.

Hannah Perrott’s chin fell. ‘Lor’,’ she said bemusedly, and sat on the bed.

An odd croaking noise broke in jerks from Pigeony Poll as she crept from the room, with her face bowed in the bend of her arm, like a weeping schoolboy. Dicky stared, confounded…. Josh came and gazed stupidly, with his mouth open, walking tip-toe. But at a word from Kiddo Cook, who came in his tracks, he snatched the little body and clattered off to the dispensary, to knock up the young student.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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