



 そういうわけで、その夜の八時、ペロー家のひとたちの姿を見かけたのは、暗くなりかけた部屋であり、その部屋には、考えられないくらい、小さな死体が寝台に横たわっていた。ぼろ服をきた子どもが、そのうえにおおいかぶさり、寝台に両腕をのばして、疲れ果てるくらいにすすり泣き、泥まじりの涙に顔を濡らしていた。「ねえ、ルーイ。ルーイってば。聞こえてるかい? もう僕に会いにきてくれないの?」




The rumour went in the Jago that Josh Perrott was in double luck. For here was insurance money without a doubt. But in truth that was a thing the Perrotts had neglected.

Hannah Perrott felt a listless relief; Josh felt nothing in particular, except that there was no other thing to be done, and that Mother Gapp’s would be a cheerful place to finish the day in, and keep up the missis’s pecker.

So that eight o’clock that evening at Perrotts’ witnessed a darkening room wherein an inconsiderable little corpse lay on a bed; while a small ragamuffin spread upon it with outstretched arms, exhausted with sobbing, a soak of muddy tears:—’O Looey, Looey! Can’t you ‘ear? Won’t you never come to me no more?’

And the Reverend Henry Sturt, walking from church through Luck Row toward his lodgings in Kingsland Road, heard shouts and riot behind the grimy panes of Mother Gapp’s, and in the midst the roar of many voices joined in the Jago chant:—

Six bloomin’ long months in a prison, Six more bloomin’ months I must stay, For meetin’ a bloke in our alley, An’ takin’ ‘is uxter away!

Toora-li—toora-li—looral, Toora-li—toora-li—lay, A-coshin’ a bloke in our alley, An’ takin’ ‘is uxter away!

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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