
「おそろしいだと? ジェイゴウの人間だからということかね?」






‘Wouldn’t it?’ said Mr Grinder. ‘You mean them in the Jago, I s’pose.’

‘Yus. They’re a awful lot, Mr Grinder—you’ve no idear. The father o’ this ‘ere boy as I’ve warned you aginst, ‘e’s in with a desprit gang, an’ they’d murder me if they thought I’d come an’ told you honest, w’en you might ‘a’ bin robbed, as is my nature to. They would indeed. So o’ course you won’t say wot I toldjer, nor ‘oo give you this ‘ere honourable friendly warnin’—not to nobody.’

‘That’s awright,’ answered the simple Grinder, ‘I won’t let on. But out ‘e goes, promp’. I’m obliged to ye, Mr Weech. Er—r wot’ll ye take?’

Weech put away the suggestion with a virtuous palm:—’Nothink at all, Mr Grinder, thanks all the same. I never touch nothink; an’ I’m glad to—to do any moral job, so to speak, as comes in my way. ‘Scatter seeds o’ kindness’ you know, as the—the Psalm says, Mr Grinder. Your boy ain’t back, is ‘e?’

And after peering cautiously, Mr Weech went his way.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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