「ああ、かみさんのことなら大丈夫だ」ビル・ランはいって、陽気に彼女のほうへ親指をつきだした。「お前はどうなるんだ? パークハースト刑務所で服役することになるのか?」
「だれがそんなことをした? だれが通報したんだ?」
‘Oh, she’ll be awright,’ said Bill Rann, jerking his thumb cheerfully toward the missis. ‘Wot about you? Think they’ll make it Parkhurst?’
Josh shook his head moodily. Parkhurst being the prison reserved for convicts of less robust habit, he had little hope of enjoying its easier conditions. Presently he said:—’I bin put away this time—fair put away.’
‘Wot?’ answered Bill, ‘narkin’ dues is it?’
Josh nodded.
”Oo done it then? ‘Oo narked?’
Josh shook his head. ‘Never mind,’ he said, ‘I don’t want ‘im druv out o’ the Jago ‘fore I come out. I’d be sorry to miss ‘im. I know ‘im—that’s enough.’
And then time was up. Josh suffered the missis to kiss him, and shook hands with Bill Rann. ‘Good luck to all you Jagos,’ he said. Dicky shook hands too, and said ‘Good-bye, father!’ in a voice of such laboured cheerfulness that a grin burst for a moment amid Josh’s moody features as he was marched away, and so departed for the place—in Jago idiom—where the dogs don’t bite.