アーサー・モリスン「ジェイゴウの子ども」30章 135回








”Tcheer, Dicky!’ said Kiddo, pulling up and wiping his cap-lining with a red cotton handkerchief. ‘Ol’ man out to-day, ain’t ‘e?’

‘Yus,’ Dicky answered. ”Spect ‘im up to-night.’

Kiddo nodded, and wiped his face. ”Spose the mob’ll git up a break for ‘im,’ he said; ‘but ‘e’ll ‘ave a bit o’ gilt from stir as well, won’t ‘e? So ‘e’ll be awright.’ And Kiddo stuffed his handkerchief into his trousers pocket, pulled his cap tight, and bent to his barrow-handles.

Dicky turned idly to the left, and slouched to the corner of Meakin Street. There he loafed for a little while, and then went as aimlessly up the turning. Meakin Street was much as ever. There were still the chandlers’ shops, where tea and sugar were sold by the farthingsworth, and the barber’s where hair was fashionably cut for three half-pence: though Jago hair was commonly cut in another place and received little more attention. There was still Walker’s cook-shop, foggy with steam, its windows all a-trickle, and there was the Original Slap-up Tog Emporium, with its kicksies and its benjamins cut saucy as ever, and its double fakements still artful. At the ‘dispensary’ there was another young student, but his advice and medicine were sixpence, just as his remote predecessor’s had been for little Looey, long forgotten. And farther down on the opposite side, Mr Aaron Weech’s coffee-shop, with its Sunday-school festival bills, maintained its general Band-of-Hope air, and displayed its shrivelled bloaters, its doubtful cake, and its pallid scones in an odour of respectability and stale pickles. Dicky glanced in as he came by the door, and met the anxious eye of Mr Weech, whom he had not seen for a fortnight. For Dicky was no boy now, but knew enough to sell at Cohen’s or elsewhere whenever possible, and to care not a rap for Mr Weech.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: ジャェイゴウの子ども パーマリンク


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