ふたりは店から、奥の居間へと入っていった。バトスンさんと母親が並んで座り、ふたりと対峙した。バトスンさんは、新調したばかりの揃いの服を着て、母親も一番上等な服を着ていたが、その顔には微笑みと涙がうかんでいた。何かが起きたのだ。どうしたのだろう? ベッシーとジョニーは、扉の入り口付近で立ち止まり、凝視した。
彼女は立ち上がると、二人のほうに一歩踏み出した。だが二人には、どこか腑に落ちないところがあったので、いぶかしく思いながら、ナンからバトスンへと視線をむけ、ふたたび母親に視線をもどした…何があったのだろう? ジョニーが真っ先に動き、母親にキスをしてから、つい、バトスンさんをしばらく凝視した。バトスンさんはタバコをふかしていたが、何も言わないで、椅子にもどるとタバコの灰を見つめた。
It was nearing ten o’clock when at last they turned into Harbour Lane. From a back street came the old watchman’s cry, “Pa-a-ast nine o’clock!” as he went his round in search of orders to wake early risers; and lights in bedroom windows told of early risers already seeking sleep. Nobody was in the shop, but as they came in, Johnny thought he saw his mother’s face vanish from beside the muslin curtain that obscured the glass in the back-parlour door.
They passed through the shop, and into the back parlour. Their mother and Mr. Butson sat facing them, side by side. Mr. Butson had a new suit of clothes, and their mother wore her best, and smiles and tears were in her face. Something had happened. What was it? Bessy and Johnny, scarce within the door, stood and stared.
“Johnny—Bessy—” Nan faltered, looking from one to the other. “Have you—enjoyed your holiday?…Won’t you—kiss me, Johnny?”
She rose and made a step toward them. But something struck them still, and they looked, wondering, from Nan to Butson, and back to their mother again…What was it?
Johnny moved first, and kissed his mother, absently, gazing at Mr. Butson the while. Mr. Butson, who was smoking, said nothing, but lay back in his chair and considered the ash of his cigar.
Nan’s anxiety was plain to see. She put a hand on Johnny’s shoulder and an arm on Bessy’s neck. “I,—we—you won’t be vexed because I didn’t tell you, will you?” she said, pale, but trying to smile, “I—we—Mr. Butson…Johnny, Bessy—don’t look so!” Tears ran down her cheeks, and she bent her head on Johnny’s other shoulder. “We’ve been married to-day!”