
その動揺のせいで、ジョニーも、ベッシーも、心が麻痺してしまったままだった。ベッシーのほうが早く立ち直ったけれど、ジョニーは、その変化にむかいあうのにも二、三日かかる有様で、理解しようとするなら尚更、日数が必要であった。最初にありありと感じたのは侮辱されたということであり、恨めしさであった。彼は欺かれ、たぶらかされていたのだ。母親からも。母親にしたところで、彼とベッシーを裏切ったではないか。なぜ、そのようなことをしたのか? 自分たちには、最初に相談してくれてもよかったのに。 





THE shock left Johnny and Bessy numb, and, though Bessy was quicker, the change took Johnny two or three days to realise—even to understand. His first distinct impression was one of injury and resentment. He had been tricked—hoodwinked. His mother—even his mother had deceived him and Bessy. Why? Why not tell them first?

She would have told them, he was sure; she told them everything. Butson had persuaded her to keep them in ignorance till the thing was done, lest they should rebel, and perhaps bring her to a change of mood. And Johnny’s guess was a good one…Forthwith his resentment became something more; hate, mere hate for this man who had come between him and his mother—this cadger of suppers thrusting himself into their intimate life…

And yet—perhaps this was simple anger at the slight and the deception; jealousy at finding a stranger as dear to his mother as himself was. Butson might turn out none so bad a fellow. He was very decent over the callipers, for instance…Curse the callipers!

Johnny’s anger was not to be reasoned down. On Sunday he had his own mother. Now there was nothing but Butson’s wife.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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