
「教えてあげる」少年はかすれ声でいった。「自分たちみたいな人間はね、この状況から逃げられないんだよ、逃げ出したくても。いつもお腹がすいて、喉がからからなのに、始終歩きどおしなんだ。それなのに素敵な住まいと仕事をもらっても、胃が痛くなってくる。体力がありそうに見えるかい? わかっているよ。歳のわりに、体が小さいってことは。それでも、こうやって六年のあいだ、放浪してきたんだ。それに思っているだろう、話している相手は死者じゃないと。マーゲートで水に入っていて溺れたこともあるし、太釘を握りしめたジプシーに殺されたこともあるんだよ。ジプシーに頭を殴られたけど、それでも、まだ今でも、この道を歩いて、ロンドンまで歩いていくんだ。また、ここから歩いていくんだ。どうしても、歩かないでいられないから。死んだって…。逃げ出したくても、逃げ出すわけにはいかないんだ」











 ”I tell you,” the boy said hoarsely, “people like us can’t get away from this sort of thing if we want to. Always hungry and thirsty and dog-tired and walking all the while. And yet if anyone offers me a nice home and work my stomach feels sick. Do I look strong? I know I’m little for my age, but I’ve been knocking about like this for six years, and do you think I’m not dead? I was drowned bathing at Margate, and I was killed by a gypsy with a spike; he knocked my head and yet I’m walking along here now, walking to London to walk away from it again, because I can’t help it. Dead! I tell you we can’t get away if we want to.”

 The boy broke off in a fit of coughing, and the tramp paused while he recovered.

 ”You’d better borrow my coat for a bit, Tommy,” he said, “your cough’s pretty bad.”

 ”You go to hell!” the boy said fiercely, puffing at his cigarette; “I’m all right. I was telling you about the road. You haven’t got down to it yet, but you’ll find out presently. We’re all dead, all of us who’re on it, and we’re all tired, yet somehow we can’t leave it. There’s nice smells in the summer, dust and hay and the wind smack in your face on a hot day–and it’s nice waking up in the wet grass on a fine morning. I don’t know, I don’t know–” he lurched forward suddenly, and the tramp caught him in his arms.

 ”I’m sick,” the boy whispered–“sick.”

 The tramp looked up and down the road, but he could see no houses or any sign of help. Yet even as he supported the boy doubtfully in the middle of the road a motor car suddenly flashed in the middle distance, and came smoothly through the snow.

 ”What’s the trouble?” said the driver quietly as he pulled up. “I’m a doctor.” He looked at the boy keenly and listened to his strained breathing.

 ”Pneumonia,” he commented. “I’ll give him a lift to the infirmary, and you, too, if you like.”

 The tramp thought of the workhouse and shook his head “I’d rather walk,” he said.

 The boy winked faintly as they lifted him into the car.

 ”I’ll meet you beyond Reigate,” he murmured to the tramp. “You’ll see.” And the car vanished along the white road.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: リチャード・ミドルトン パーマリンク


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