


「わかったよ、かあさん」彼は静かに答えた。「だが、彼にわからせる必要がある。これから夜はもう少し家にいるつもりだ、お前に言っておく。このテーブルで製図を描くからな、お前がいやであっても、かあさんと妹が使わなければ。お前より、おれのほうがここでは権利がある。外にいくときでも、帰ってきたら、お前のふるまいについて聞くからな。おれは静かにして、お前にしたがうが、それは平和のためだ。かあさんを心配させたくない。もう、ずいぶん心配してきた。もし喧嘩したければ、喧嘩をすればいい。おれは、警察と同じくらいに、お前のことを怖がらせることができるからな。いいか、俺の言いたいことがわかるか!」ジョニーは、自分でも何をいっているのかわからなくなってきた。だが、警察へのほのめかしに効果があったと察するだけの鋭さがあったので、さらにつけ足した。「言っていることがわかるか? ここにいるより刑務所のほうがあっているぞ。白い服をきて、他人の食べ物をあさっているほうがお似合いだ」


“You talked my mother over, and you married her, and you’ve lived on her ever since, like a gentleman—or like what you think’s a gentleman—you, not worth boy’s pay on a mud-barge! Now see here! I’m not a boy now—or at anyrate I’m not a little one. I’m within half a head as tall as you. I’m not so strong as you now perhaps, and I know I’m not as big. But some day I shall be stronger, because you’re rotting yourself with idleness and booze, and then I’ll give you a bigger hiding than you can carry, for what I saw just now! You look forward to that! Until then, if you put your hand within a foot of my sister again, I’ll brain you with this poker, or I’ll stick something into you,—I’ll go for you with whatever I can lay hold of! Now you remember that!”

Johnny’s voice was loud again, and once more Nan appealed.

“All right, mother,” he answered, more quietly, “but I’ll make him understand. I shall keep a little more at home in the evenings now, my fine fellow, and I shall take all this table to draw on, whether you like it or not, unless my sister or my mother want to use it. I’ve got more right here than you. And if I go out I’ll ask about your behaviour when I come in. I’ve kept quiet and knuckled under to you, for the sake of peace, and so as not to worry mother. There’s been enough o’ that. If you want rows you shall have ‘em! I’ll make you as frightened of me as you are of the p’lice. Ah! you know what I mean!” Johnny had no idea of what he meant himself, but he had been sharp enough to observe the effect of his earlier allusion to the police, and he followed it up. “You know what I mean! You’d look a deal more at home in gaol than here, in a white shirt, eating other people’s victuals!”

さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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