
「行かないだって! だけど、だけど何故?」






 そっけない口調は、怒っているといってもいい位だった。だがノラ・サンソンは喜びを感じ、妙に心を震わせながら、その言葉を聞いた。だが彼女はこう言っただけだった。「でも、どうして行かないの? あなたまでがっかりする理由はないわ」












“Not come! But—but why?”

“I’m sorry—I’m very sorry, Mr. May; but I can’t tell you—really.”

There was a quiver of the lip, and her voice was a little uneven, as though there were danger of more tears.

But Johnny was not disappointed merely; he was also angry, and it was hard to conceal the fact. So he said nothing, but turned and walked a few steps by her side.

“I—hope you won’t mind,” she pursued, uneasy at his silence. “I’m very much disappointed—very much indeed.” And it was plain that she was. “But there’ll be a good many there. And you’ll have plenty of partners.” This last she found a hard thing to say.

“I don’t care how many’ll be there,” Johnny replied. “I shan’t go.”

It was said curtly, almost angrily, but Nora Sansom heard it with an odd little tremor of pleasure. Though she merely said, “But why not? There’s no reason why you should be disappointed too.”

“Anyhow, I’m not going,” he said; and after a pause added: “Perhaps you might ha’ gone if I hadn’t asked you!”

“Oh, I shouldn’t!” she answered, with tears in eyes and voice. “You know I shouldn’t! I never go anywhere!”

Johnny instantly felt himself a brute. “No,” he said. “I know you don’t. I didn’t mean anything unkind. But I won’t go.”

“Do you really mean it?”

“Of course. I’m not going without you.” He might have said something more, but a little group of people came straggling past. And the girl, with her eyes on this group, said the first thing that came to her tongue.

“Where will you go then?”

“Oh anywhere. I don’t know. Walk about, perhaps.”

She looked shyly up in his face, and down again. “I might go for a walk,” she said.

Johnny’s heart gave a great beat. “Alone?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Perhaps.”

さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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