






 冷たい塊のようなものが、喉にこみあげてきたので、ジョニーは自分の声をたしかめた。「それで、君はどうしたいというつもりなのか? まさか」






A few nights later he saw her again. Plainly she had been crying. When they came to a deserted street of shut-up wharves he asked her why.

“Only—only I’ve been thinking!” she said.

“What about?”

“About you, Johnny—about you and me. We—I think—we’re very young, aren’t we?”

That had not struck him as a difficulty. “Well,” he said, “I don’t know about that. I s’pose we are, like others. But I shall be out o’ my time in two years and a half, or not much more, and then—”

“Yes, then,” she said, catching at the word, “p’raps then it will be different—and—I mean we shall be older and know better, Johnny. And—now—we can often see one another and talk like friends—and—” She looked up to read his eyes, trembling.

Something cold took Johnny by the throat, and checked his voice. “But—what—you don’t mean—that?”

“Yes,” she said, though it was bitter hard. “It’ll be best—I’m sure, Johnny!”

Johnny gulped, and his voice hardened. “Oh!” he said, “if you want to throw me over you might say so, in straight English!”

“Oh—don’t talk like that, Johnny!” she pleaded, and laid her hand on his arm. “It’s unkind! You know it’s unkind!”

“No—it’s only plain an’ honest. I don’t understand this half-and-half business—seeing each other ‘like friends’ an’ all that.”

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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