

 「レディをしめだすのかい!」 彼女は、しゃがれた声をはりあげた。「なかに入れないよ。この店に閉めだされた。居酒屋の主にしめだされた。飲めないじゃないか」





Not far from the yard-gate he saw a small crowd of people about a public-house; and as he neared he perceived Mother Born-drunk in the midst of it. The publican had refused to serve her—indeed, had turned her out—and now she swayed about his door and proclaimed him at large.

“‘Shultin’ a lady!” she screamed hoarsely. “Can’t go in plashe ‘thout bein’ ‘shulted. ‘Shulted by low common public-‘oush. I won’t ‘ave it!”

“Don’t you stand it, ducky!” sang out a boy. “You give ‘em what for!”

For a moment she seemed inclined to turn her wrath on her natural enemy, the boy, but her eye fell on a black bottle with a broken neck, lying in the gutter. “Gi’ ‘em what for?” she hiccupped, stooping for the bottle, “Yesh, I’ll gi’ ‘em what for!” and with that flung the bottle at the largest window in sight.

There was a crash, a black hole in the midst of the plate glass, and a vast “spider” of cracks to its farthest corners. Mother Born-drunk stood and stared, perhaps a little sobered. Then a barman ran out, tucking in his apron, and took her by the arm. There were yells and screams and struggles, and cheers from blackguard boys; and Mother Born-drunk was hauled off, screaming and sliding and stumbling, between a policeman and the publican.

さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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