

「いつから気がついただと? ずっと気がついていたさ。他の連中も同じだ」







“And how long ha’ you known this?”

Knowed it? Knowed it all time, same as others.”

“An’ never said a word of it, nor told the police?”

“Why no,” Amos answered, with honest indignation.

“Wudn’t hey us get the poor chap in trouble, wud ye?”

And this was the mystery: nothing of wonder at all, nothing but a casual crossing of ways: just a chance from the hatful, like all the rest of it. And Amos—well, he was right, too, by such lights as he could see.

* * * * *

LIGHT was low behind the hills, and dusk dimmed the keeper’s honest face as he waved his friends goodbye. Yes, he would come to them in London, one of these days. Soon? Well, then, soon.

Together the three went down the scented lanes, where the white ghost-moths began to fly, and so into the world of new adventure.


さりはま の紹介

更新情報はツィッター sarihama_xx で。
カテゴリー: アーサー・モリスン, ロンドン・タウンへ パーマリンク


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