「よその治安判事が」マイケルは甲高い声をだしながら叫んだ。「この自由の地にふりかかる出来事を審理したところで、昔から勝手にやっているビーコン公爵を助けるだけじゃないか? よその高等裁判所が我々の仲間を審理したところで、ビーコン高等裁判所を助けるだけじゃないか? もう忘れたのか? 今日の午後、僕たちは自治の旗をかかげて、地球上のすべての国から独立したじゃないか?」
“Hullo!” he called out suddenly; “what are you doing to Mr. Smith?”
“Taking him away,” answered Warner shortly, “to be examined.”
“Matriculation?” asked Moon brightly.
“By a magistrate,” said the other curtly.
“And what other magistrate,” cried Michael, raising his voice, “dares to try what befell on this free soil, save only the ancient and independent Dukes of Beacon? What other court dares to try one of our company, save only the High Court of Beacon? Have you forgotten that only this afternoon we flew the flag of independence and severed ourselves from all the nations of the earth?”