「マイケル」ロザムンドは両手を固く握りしめながら言った。「そんなところに立って、意味のわからない言葉を話しているのはどういうことなの? なぜなの? おそろしい場面を見たじゃない? 彼が狂ったときに、その場にいたじゃない? 先生が植木鉢につまずいて転んだとき、抱え起こしたのはあなたなのに」
“Michael,” cried Rosamund, wringing her hands, “how can you stand there talking nonsense? Why, you saw the dreadful thing yourself. You were there when he went mad. It was you that helped the doctor up when he fell over the flower-pot.”
“And the High Court of Beacon,” replied Moon with hauteur, “has special powers in all cases concerning lunatics, flower-pots, and doctors who fall down in gardens. It’s in our very first charter from Edward I: `Si medicus quisquam in horto prostratus—'”
“Out of the way!” cried Warner with sudden fury, “or we will force you out of it.”
“What!” cried Michael Moon, with a cry of hilarious fierceness. “Shall I die in defence of this sacred pale? Will you paint these blue railings red with my gore?” and he laid hold of one of the blue spikes behind him. As Inglewood had noticed earlier in the evening, the railing was loose and crooked at this place, and the painted iron staff and spearhead came away in Michael’s hand as he shook it.