






“`Spotted blinds,’ said Emerson Eames faintly.

“`You can’t say fairer than that,’ admitted the younger man, `and now I’ll just tell you this to wind up with. If you really were what you profess to be, I don’t see that it would matter to snail or seraph if you broke your impious stiff neck and dashed out all your drivelling devil-worshipping brains. But in strict biographical fact you are a very nice fellow, addicted to talking putrid nonsense, and I love you like a brother. I shall therefore fire off all my cartridges round your head so as not to hit you (I am a good shot, you may be glad to hear), and then we will go in and have some breakfast.’

“He then let off two barrels in the air, which the Professor endured with singular firmness, and then said, `But don’t fire them all off.’

“`Why not’ asked the other buoyantly.

“`Keep them,’ asked his companion, `for the next man you meet who talks as we were talking.’


さりはま の紹介

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