アメリア・B・エドワーズ「あれは幻影だったのか、それとも……? ある司祭の報告」No.8
どうしても、この言葉は嘘にしか思えないだろう。顔だけならば、わたしも間違えることもあるだろう。相手が異様な顔をしていたとしても、そしてわたしがその顔をじっくり見ていたとしてもだ。でも、不自由な足を間違えることがあるだろうか? そのうえ、足首を骨折したような、妙な右足の引きずり方には尋常ではない不自由さがあった。
It was a singular face, very pallid and anxious-looking. The eyes, too, had a watchful, almost a startled, look in them, which struck me as peculiarly unpleasant.
‘Yes,’ I replied, still wondering where and when I had seen him. ‘My name is Frazer. Yours, I believe, is-is-,’ and I put my hand into my pocket for my examination papers.
‘Skelton-Ebenezer Skelton. Will you please to take the boys first, sir?’
The words were commonplace enough, but the man’s manner was studiously, disagreeably deferential; his very name being given, as it were, under protest, as if too insignificant to be mentioned.
I said I would begin with the boys; and so moved on. Then, for we had stood still till now, I saw that the schoolmaster was lame. In that moment I remembered him. He was the man I met in the fog.
‘I met you yesterday afternoon, Mr Skelton,’ I said, as we went into the school-mom.
‘Yesterday afternoon, sir?’ he repeated.
‘You did not seem to observe me,’ I said, carelessly. ‘I spoke to you, in fact; but you did not reply to me.’
‘But-indeed, I beg your pardon, sir-it must have been someone else,’ said the schoolmaster, ‘I did not go out yesterday afternoon.’
How could this be anything but a falsehood? I might have been mistaken as to the man’s face; though it was such a singular face, and I had seen it quite plainly. But how could I be mistaken as to his lameness? Besides, that curious trailing of the right foot, as if the ankle was broken, was not an ordinary lameness.
I suppose I looked incredulous, for he added, hastily:.‘Even if I had not been preparing the boys for inspection, sir, I should not have gone out yesterday afternoon. It was too damp and foggy. I am obliged to be careful-I have a very delicate chest.’
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