「そんな、君も見たはずだ!」わたしは声をはりあげた。「そこに映っていたじゃないか? ツタがはえているあの壁に。だれか男の子が隠れているにちがいない。あれは少年の影だった。まちがいない」
‘Did you not see it?’ I asked.
He shook his head.
‘I-I saw nothing,’ he said, faintly. ‘What was it?’
His lips were white. He seemed scarcely able to stand.
‘But you must have seen it!’ I exclaimed. ‘It fell just there-where that bit of ivy grows. There must be some boy hiding-it was a boy’s shadow, I am confident.’
‘A boy’s shadow!’ he echoed, looking round in a wild, frightened way. ‘There is no place-for a boy-to hide.’
‘Place or no place,’ I said, angrily, ‘if I catch him, he shall feel the weight of my cane!’
I searched backwards and forwards in event direction, the schoolmaster, with his scared face, limping at my heels; but, rough and irregular as the ground was, there was not a hole in it big enough to shelter a rabbit.
‘But what was it?’ I said, impatiently.
‘An-an illusion. Begging your pardon, sir-an illusion.’
He looked so like a beaten hound, so frightened, so fawning, that I felt I could with lively satisfaction have transferred the threatened caning to his own shoulders.
‘But you saw it?’ I said again.
‘No, sir. Upon my honour, no, sir. I saw nothing-nothing whatever.’
His looks belied his words. I felt positive that he had not only seen the shadow, but that he knew more about it than he chose to tell. I was by this time really angry. To be made the object of a boyish trick, and to be hoodwinked by the connivance of the schoolmaster, was too much. It was an insult to myself and my office.