アメリア・B・エドワーズ「あれは幻影だったのか、それとも……? ある司祭の報告」No.17



「やあ」彼は言った。「あの湖を探しているのかい? 探すなら、カールシャルトン鉱山に行かないといけないよ。じつにむごい眺めだ、君たちが訴えにきたのは」

「たしかにむごいものさあ、旦那様」革製の前かけをした、がっしりとした体躯の鍛冶屋が答えた。「でも、あっちのほうがむごたらしいや、泥土よりもね。 むこうにあるものの方がずっと」






「なんであれ、出現したものにちがいない」彼はやがて言った。「泥は五フィートあるんだな? ここにある一ソブリン金貨をあげようではないか! 泥をかきわけて、あそこにあるものを最初に岸まで引き上げてくれた者ふたりに」鍛冶屋ともうひとりの男が靴と靴下をぬぎ、ズボンの裾をおりまげて、ただちにその中に入っていった。



It was indeed a queer sight-an oblong, irregular basin of blackest slime, with here and there a sullen pool, and round the margin an irregular fringe of bulrushes. At some little distance along the bank-less than a quarter of a mile from where we were standing-a gaping crowd had gathered. All Pit End, except the men at the pumps, seemed o have turned out to stare at the bed of the vanished tarn.

Hats were pulled off and curtsies dropped at Wolstenholme’s approach. He, meanwhile, came up smiling, with a pleasant word for everyone.

‘Well,’ he said, ‘are you looking for the lake, my friends? You’ll have in go down Carshalton shaft to find it! It’s an ugly sight you’ve come to sue, anyhow!’

‘Tes an ugly soight, squoire,’ replied a stalwart blacksmith in a leathern apron; ‘but thar’s summat uglier, mebbe, than the mud, ow’r yonder.’

‘Something uglier than the mud?’ Wolstenholme repeated.

‘Wull yo be pleased to stan’ this way, squoire, an’ look strite across at yon little tump o’ bulrashes-doan’t yo see nothin’?’

I see a log of rotten timber sticking half in and half out of the mud,’ said Wolstenholme; ‘and something-a long reed, apparently . . . by love! I believe it’s a fishing rod!’

‘It is a fishin’ rod, squoire,’ said the blacksmith with rough carnesmess; ‘an’ if yon rotten timber bayn’t an unburied corpse, mun I never stroike hammer on anvil agin!’

There was a buzz of acquiescence from the bystanders. ’Twas an unburied corpse, sure enough. Nobody doubted it..Wolstenholme made a funnel with his hands, and looked through it long and steadfastly.

‘It must come out, whatever it is,’ he said presently. ‘Five feet of mud, do you say? Then here’s a sovereign apiece for the first two fellows who wade through it and bring that object to land!’

The blacksmith and another pulled off their shoes and stockings, turned up their trousers, and went in at once.

They were over their ankles at the first plunge, and, sounding their way with sticks, went deeper at every tread. As they sank, our excitement rose. Presently they were visible from only the waist upwards. We could see their chests heaving, and the muscular efforts by which each step was gained. They were yet full twenty yards from the goal when the mud mounted to their armpits . . . a few feet more, and only their heads would remain above the surface!

An uneasy movement ran through the crowd.

‘Call ’em back, for God’s sake!’ cried a woman’s voice.

さりはま の紹介

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カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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