社会学を広める動きのなかにいるということは、生死をかけた舞台にいるようなもので、その荒々しい競争は、よく似た集団のあいだに頻繁に見かけるものである。 エリザ・バーネットは、ヘンリー・グリーチと政治的、社会的な考え方を共有していたが、同時に相当細かく指摘したがる好みまで共有していた。ときどき彼女は、雄弁家の集団に時間がきびしく割り振られている演台でもかなりの時間をとって話したが、ヘンリーにすれば、そうした雄弁家の集団は我慢できない一団であった。当時の主な話題について、ヘンリーは彼女と意見が一致しているかもしれない。だが彼女の尊敬すべき性質に関した話になれば、彼はあきれるほど視野が狭くなった。だからエリザベス・バーネットの名前をほのめかすということは、会話に巧みにルアーを投げ込むようなものであった。 彼の雄弁に耳をかたむけないのなら、極貧を防止する話題よりは、エリザ・バーネットを非難する話題のほうがましだった。
“I was speaking down in Leicestershire the other day on this subject,” continued Henry, “and I pointed out at some length a thing that few people ever stop to consider—”
Francesca went over immediately but decorously to the majority that will not stop to consider.
“Did you come across any of the Barnets when you were down there?” she interrupted; “Eliza Barnet is rather taken up with all those subjects.”
In the propagandist movements of Sociology, as in other arenas of life and struggle, the fiercest competition and rivalry is frequently to be found between closely allied types and species. Eliza Barnet shared many of Henry Greech’s political and social views, but she also shared his fondness for pointing things out at some length; there had been occasions when she had extensively occupied the strictly limited span allotted to the platform oratory of a group of speakers of whom Henry Greech had been an impatient unit. He might see eye to eye with her on the leading questions of the day, but he persistently wore mental blinkers as far as her estimable qualities were concerned, and the mention of her name was a skilful lure drawn across the trail of his discourse; if Francesca had to listen to his eloquence on any subject she much preferred that it should be a disparagement of Eliza Barnet rather than the prevention of destitution.