
死んだような沈黙のなか、ムーンは説明を続けた。「色に関する、この奇妙な、偶然の一致は何を意味しているのだろうか?自分としては、 一瞬でも、疑うことはできない。こうした名前がただの気まぐれでついた名前ではないか、全体的な計画や冗談の一部分ではないかなんて。おそらく、一連の服装からつけられた名前だと思う。ポリー・グリーンは、緑の服装のポリー(あるいはメアリー)という意味で、メアリー・グレイは灰色の服装のメアリー(あるいはポリー)という意味なんだ。こうしたことから説明されるのは…」




Amid a dead silence Moon continued his exposition. “What is the meaning of this queer coincidence about colours? Personally I cannot doubt for a moment that these names are purely arbitrary names, assumed as part of some general scheme or joke. I think it very probable that they were taken from a series of costumes— that Polly Green only meant Polly (or Mary) when in green, and that Mary Gray only means Mary (or Polly) when in gray. This would explain—”

Cyrus Pym was standing up rigid and almost pallid.
“Do you actually mean to suggest—” he cried.

“Yes,” said Michael; “I do mean to suggest that. Innocent Smith has had many wooings, and many weddings for all I know; but he has had only one wife. She was sitting on that chair an hour ago, and is now talking to Miss Duke in the garden.

さりはま の紹介

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